A company that cares

Mental health dilemma, biodiversity crisis, employee retention… it’s tough for companies out there at the moment. We are here to help.

Your Pain

Retain & Develop Top Employees

The global talent market is competitive. You need to keep the best talents & develop them further, to stay relevant.

Accelerate your biodiversity journey

Biodiversity is making its way into the private sector. So now you need your entire workforce behind this asap.

High training costs, but no impact

You spend tons of money on training, yet still have the feeling it rarely leads to an improvement, that is worth the investment.


Millennials (80%) & Gen Zs (94%) believe companies should address environmental & social issues beyond regular business activities.

How we want to

Help YOU

1. Upskill your employees in

Mental Fitness & Soft Skills

In this high-speed changing world, the mental pressure is immense for your workforce.

Let us assist you in improving your employees’ mental health and giving them all the tools they need to keep growing.

Just imagine what your performance would look like if each employee could unlock their full potential.

2. Take measurable

Action for your ESG goals

Start & accelerate your biodiversity journey, by creating an impact.

  1. Directly by protecting 1 m² of nature per month per employee
  2. Indirectly by helping your staff to learn more about nature, which will make it easier to get company alignment on your ESG goals

3. Small Investment

Big gain

Our app only costs $13 per employee per month. That is a total investment of $156 per employee.

How much did you spend already on training that never created the outcome you desired?

We work tirelessly to create the best possible ROI for you.

And if we don’t, you can cancel anytime, with no hidden contract clauses and no annual contracts.




1. Discovery call

We have a free brief discovery call where we show you our app and answer all your questions.

2. Sign Contract

You sign the contract, which you can cancel at any time without minimum length.

3. Onboard Employees

We give all your employees easy access to the app and onboard them for you. No hustle from your side. We adapt to your company individually.

4. Check in

After the launch, we regularly check in with you to see how we can further improve our partnership.

4 Features

You will love

7 Core Categories

Self-Confidence, Anxiety, Mindfulness, Get shit done, Perspective, Relationships, Leadership

Measurable impact

We measure precisely the positive impact you are creating

Action List

One action per day (5min), easy to implement into your work day

User Centricity

Every user can provide feedback, we only work on features you really need

Your Organization


We know that our price is fair. At the same time, this price is needed to ensure that we can pay nature accordingly.

That being said, we constantly strive to create the best ROI for you and your business.

This is why we work hand in hand with your company to ensure the best possible partnership.

No problem.

Feel free to reach out to us, and we are happy to assist.
We strongly believe that Wildya is beneficial for companies of all sizes.

From small businesses that cannot invest thousands of dollars into personal development, to big international companies that are looking for additional sustainable perks that are meaningful for their employees.

That depends on how fast you want to start. 

From our side we can be up and running within 24 hours. 

Here a little time estimate: 

Into call: 30min

Contract signature: 30min 

Onboarding employees call: 30min

Onboarding event, presentation, mail: 1h

In Total 2,5h from our side.

+ the time that you need internally to be aligned with all stakeholders  

Yes, please get in touch with us via the contact form.